Columbiana County Harrison County

Donated by chapter member Becky Morris, November 2011

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JEWETT, On June 8. -- Traffic on the Pennsylvania railroad was routed over a temporary side track here today as workmen cleared away debris of a train derailment that killed at least 100 animals Wednesday night when 31 cars of an eastbound freight were derailed and piled up.
None of the trian crew was injured. The cars, 24 of them carrying livestock were derailed when a brake beam dropped toward the rear of the freight. The head engine and rear engine remained on the tracks.
Scene of the old "wild west" were enacted when hundreds of pigs, sheep, cattle and horses roamed the streets and yards of this village. Crops in the yards and nearby farms were damaged by the animals.
It was estimated about 100 animals were crushed to death in the pileup. Some of the animals were trapped inside the mangled cars and others stampeded in the yards around the homes.
The livestock was herded into a field and some was penned in the creek bed. Six hundred head of livestock was estimated in the cars. Rail officials said it would be some time before they could determine how many animals were killed.
Railroad police and crews, Harrison County Sheriff Elmo Mattern and his deputies and state patrolmen were called to the scene of the wreck. Wrecking crews worked all night to clear the wreckage strewn along the tracks for several hundred yards.
The news of the wreck brought hundreds of spectator's. The Wheeling and Lake Erie yard office had to call out its section crews to protect its tracks from the sightseers.
Both the eastbound and westbound tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad were tied up by the derailment. Before the temporary track was erected, Pennsylvania trains on the Columbus-Pittsburgh run were detoured via the Pittsburgh and West Virginia and Wheeling & Lake Erie routes.
The Pennsylvania "passing" track also was wrecked when the cars piled up.
The freight cars derailed between the two crossing in this village. The crossings are at the depot and lower part of town.
Among the cars derailed were several refrigeration cars, containing fruits and products. There were about 50 cars in the train the beam dropped toward the rear of the train.
It was estimated it would require several days before the debris is cleared away and the tracks are replaced.


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