Sunday November 5th 2023
The History of the United States Federal Census Presentation
November 5, 2023 at 1:00 P.M. Lunch – 2:00 P.M. Presentation (approximately following lunch)

Held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
437 Powell's Lane in Wintersville, Ohio

A light lunch will be served and followed by a one hour presentation. We will allow time at the end of the hour for Q&A.
Reservations are required – free light lunch served.
Please contact Connie Rohall at 740-632-2735 to reserve your seat.
Reservation/Seating for lunch and presentation will be capped at the first 50 who contact Connie.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is located at 437 Powell's Lane in Wintersville, Ohio and will be hosting the final luncheon and meeting for the 2023 calendar. The topic will be "The History of the United States Federal Census" and we will be learning about how to use census records for family history research. About 90% of the population was successfully captured in each census at consistent intervals of 10 years. This presentation will include tips and handouts. The presentation is open to the public and anyone who is interested in learning how to search US census records.
The presentation will be given by local genealogist and the president of the Jefferson County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society, Flora L. VerStraten-Merrin.


Thank you for your interest in the The History of the United States Federal Census Presentation event on Sunday November 5th 2023. Be sure to mark your calendars and tell your friends.

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