Rehoboth School - 1931-32

Row 1 {L to R}: Johnny Dzik, Bobby Lewis, Angela Milicia, Lottie Garnek, Dorothy MaeGrove, ____, Stanley Garnek, Mary Ulik, Izetta Furbay, Nancy Carter, Stanley Ulik. Row 2: ____, Ed Brodzinski, Joe Parkinson, Ted Kanoski, Elizabeth Dennis, Irene Dennis, *Mary Janus, Helen Kanoski, John Ulik, Ray Grove, Stanley Janus. Row 3: Chester Garnek, Herman Kanoski, Isaac Grove, Jr., teacher Julia Dalrymple, *Helen Dzik, May Leggett, Julie Dzik, Antney Harubin.

(The use of "__" indicates not known. " * " uncertain.}
Rehoboth School, Smithfield Township {Article continued by Rena Goss} Rehoboth School was located less than a mile off of County Road 10 and directly across from the Rehoboth Cemetery. The township road intersects with County Road 10 one mile north of Adena. According to local author, Nora Jane (DeVore) Stanwick, in her book, Our Town – Adena, Rehoboth School was built in 1820, but she acknowledges another source says 1843.

Another photo shows the school in fine condition with its 6 over 6 paned windows, neat roof, bell cupola, and coal shed to the left. Identities of the women are not known. The original photo is in the possession of Rena’s cousin, Sarah (Darnoc) Swiger of Steubenville. Their grandparents, Isaac and Lyda (Furbay) Grove, Sr. lived on the farm adjacent to Rehoboth Cemetery. Most all of their 10 children attended the Rehoboth School. Sarah said that after the school closed, she, her mother and 3 sisters lived in the building to help prevent vandalism. She remembers that she was in first grade at Adena Elementary when her family lived at Rehoboth and the year was 1936-37. She said they had no electricity, only oil lamps. Grandfather Grove bought the bricks and on his property constructed a small house in which some of his married children lived from time to time.

Rena’s uncle, Ray Grove died in Oct. 2006. His old Rehoboth chum, Stan Ulik came to visit her and brought a 1931-32 photo of Rehoboth students, which included both he and Ray. Ray told Rena that he would go to school early to build the fire in the stove. It was then red hot and warm when students arrived. Stan identified those in the photo above and apologized for not being 100%.