Rehoboth Cemetery Grave side Service 2008

Guard for the Sons of the American Revolution attending and present at the graveside service on Saturday May 17, 2008 at the Rehoboth Cemetery.

Names of the Color Guard members: George Ruch, Lee Marshall, George Livingston and Gary Timmons.

Also in attendance of the Ebenezer Zane Chapter, SAR were: Frank Kinsey, MC, Myers Campbell, Chaplain and Norman Moran, Bugler & VP
Randy Crumpler, Past President
Mike Michael, Treasurer/Registrar
Walter Kinsey

The Bagpiper, Patrick Coughlan, is an Honorary Member.

In picture left to right:
Flora L. VerStraten
George Livingston
Gary Timmons
Chris Mowery
George Ruch (to the right, back facing attendee's)

THREE patriot grave markers for:
Thomas Rouse (installed July of 2007)
Jacob Clark
Joseph Chambers

All lived and believed to have died and were buried in Smithfield Twp.

Bagpiper is Patrick Coughlan of the Wheeling Celtic Society. He is also an Hononary Member of the Ebenezer Zane Chapter. On the right is Norman Moran, Bugler and Vice President of the Ebenezer Zane Chapter. Retired M/Sgt. US Air Force.

Please click on the link below to read the speech read by Flora VerStraten at the graveside service at Rehoboth Cemetery, May 17, 2008. She read this speech written by a direct descendant of Jacob Clark's, Wilma Clark. Note - Flora did not read the poem at the end of this speech. Instead, Flora read a Armed Forces Poem. This event was sponsored by the Sons of the American Revolution, Ebenezer Zane Chapter, located in St. Clairsville, Ohio.

Graveside Speech for Jacob Clark

Members of the American Legion in attendance at the graveside service.

After the service:
Walter Kinsey, SAR member
Janice Kiaski, Steubenville Herald Star writer
Flora L. VerStraten, Jefferson County Chapter, OGS President

SAR color guard and bag pipe player

Left - Frank Kinsey, Chairman of the Ebenezer Zane Grave Marking Committee and MC of this ceremony. On the right is Myers Campbell, Chaplain, Ebenezer Zane Chapter. Myers is a descendent of Ebenezer Zane.

Bagpiper is Patrick Coughlan of the Wheeling Celtic Society. He is also an Hononary Member of the Ebenezer Zane Chapter. On the right is Norman Moran, Bugler and Vice President of the Ebenezer Zane Chapter. Retired M/Sgt. US Air Force.

Flora L. VerStraten, unveiling bronze marker for Jacob Clark
George Livingston

Flora L. VerStraten - giving speech on Jacob Clarke, on behalf of the family.
The graveside service was held for Patriots:
Joseph Chambers and Jacob Clark, Revolutionary Veteran's

Those attending - over 60 attendee's during Rehoboth graveside service.